Sunday, June 17, 2012

Every tiny star

1. Every tiny star that twinkles in the night sky,
Every drop of morning dew,
Every spark of fire blazing in the furnace,
Every captivating view,
Every rainbow in the sky,
Every pretty butterfly,
Tells the fascinating news to those who dare to hope,
And the message is…!

Ch: God still loves the world,
God still, still loves the world!
So, throw your life into his hands,
Day by day discern his plans;
God is passionately busy loving you and me!

2. Every ocean wave that breaks upon the sea shore,
Every stack of golden wheat,
Every silver stream that gushes down the mountain,
Every drop of honey sweet,
Every eagle flying high,
Every worm that wriggles by,
Tells the fascinating news to those who dare to hope,
And the message is…!

3. Every man and woman pledged in love forever,
Every little new- born child,
Every voice in favor of a needy neighbour,
Every radiating smile,
Every hand that offers love,
Every surging flow of blood,
Tells the fascinating news to those who dare to hope.
And the message is…!

We Thank Thee each morning

We thank Thee each morning for a new born day
Where we may work the fields of new mown hay
We thank Thee for the sunshine and the air that we breathe oh Lord we thank Thee

Thank Thee for the rivers that run all day
Thank Thee for the little birds that sing along the way
Thank Thee for the trees and the deep blue sea oh Lord we thank Thee

Oh yes we thank Thee Lord for every flower that blooms
Birds that sing fish that swim and the light of the moon
We thank Thee every day as we kneel and pray
That we were born with eyes to see these things
Thank Thee for the fields where the clover is grown
Thank Thee for the pastures where cattle may roam
Thank Thee for Thy love so pure and free oh Lord we thank Thee
Oh yes we thank Thee Lord...